As a responsible gasoline station owner, you should actively consider insuring not only your premises and all your equipment but also your workforce. While Workman’s Comp provides a decent amount of insurance for your employees, it is always a good idea for you to check with your state insurance commissioner’s office and understand the precise nature of the mandatory federal and state coverage available to your employees.
Protecting your Premises
Instead of approaching a property and casualty insurance company directly to insure your entire gasoline station, consider getting in touch with an insurance agent from your own city. The advantages are numerous. In the first place, your insurance agent will provide you with a one-stop and single-window solution to all your insurance needs. Additionally, he or she will make sure that you are insured to the maximum amount permissible by law to cover all eventualities, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods and excessive downpours. Moreover, your insurance agent will shop around for you in order to help you get the best policy premium rates and low deductibles, thus saving you time, which you can and should invest in operating your business. As you can tell, purchasing business insurance for fuel stations is no rocket science.
Preparing for an Eventuality
You may have installed the highest level of security you can afford for your gasoline station. However, no mechanism offers full-proof protection. You have to brace yourself for an untoward incident at any time. Ensure your gas station so as to minimize out-of-pocket expenses during such an event.
Stay safe, protect your employees and customers, and your gas station will remain profitable for long. In order to cushion yourself from economic downturns, consider setting up a convenience store as well as an EV charging center within your premises. A single insurance policy can cover all three operations, thus eliminating unnecessary paperwork. Feel free to get in touch with Premier Petroleum for help not only with your fuel needs but also for EV charging stations and assistance with convenience store setup.
So, have you insured your fuel station to the max, as the California Girls would say? Please share your experience with us in the comment section below.